meandyou女生版(me and you)

导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于meandyou女生版,me and you这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、歌曲《You And M

大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于meandyou女生版,me and you这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、歌曲《You And Me(你和我)》有两个版本  版本一  歌名:《You And Me(你和我)》  演唱:Declan Galbraith (迪克兰·加尔布雷斯)  作词:SHURI, FUJIKO  作曲:SHURI, FUJIKO  专辑:《You And Me》  中英对照歌词:  Cause everything's right  因为一切都妥妥当当  And everything's cool  一切都舒舒服服  It's always the love side of my life  一直是我热爱生活的一面  And it's so far from right  可这离美好是那么的遥远  I know I'm not the only one  我知道我已不是那个独特的我  Who used to fail  过去经常失败  How you used to be  你也不是原来的那个你了  And that happiness  而幸福  Is the only thing I need  是我唯一需要的  You and me  你和我  Are now in love  在恋爱  And we're supposed to be  而且我们应该是的  I know I choose you  我知道我选择了你  I just want the one you used to be  我只想要一个过去的你  I just want to look into your eyes  我只是想看着你的眼睛  And trust to I say  让你相信我  But you're finding faults  可你很挑剔  And you blame them all on me  你把错都推到我身上  And that's so far from right  这离美好太远了  Cause I'm in love  因为我恋爱了  With someone that you used to be  和过去的那个你  That I couldn't find  我不能找到了  But that happiness  但幸福  Is the only thing I need  是我唯一需要的  You and me  你和我  Are now in love  恋爱了  And we're supposed to be  而且我们应该是的  I know I choose you  我知道我选择了你  I just want the one you used to be  我只想要一个过去的你  I wish you could look at me  但愿你能看着我  With your eyes you did before  就像你以前看着我一样  Maybe when we took about  也许当我们谈起  We should’ve thought about it more  我们应该多想想  As we grow older  随着年龄的增加  And we both cry to mention the part  我们同时哭着提出分手  And your lying memories beside me  你撒谎的回忆伴着我  And you do not want to be mine  你不想成为我的  You and me  你和我  Are now in love  恋爱了  And we're supposed to be  而且我们应该是的  I know I choose you  我知道我选择了你  I just want the one you used to be  我只想要一个过去的你  You and me  你和我  Are now in love  恋爱了  And we're supposed to be  而且我们应该是的  I know I choose you  我知道我选择了你  I just want the one you used to be  我只想要一个过去的你  We're now in love  我们没有恋爱  And we're supposed to be  而且我们应该是的  I know I choose you  我知道我选择了你  I just want the one you used to be  我只想要一个过去的你  版本二  歌名:《You And Me(你和我)》  演唱:Rosie.Thomas(罗西·托马斯)  专辑:《Only With Laughter You Can Win》  歌词:  You and me, me and you  我和你,你和我,  There is so much that we`ve been through,  我们一起经历了那么多,  through it all I've come to understand Gods love.  经过这一切,我明白了上帝的爱  And if tomorrow never comes  如果明天永不再来,  know this twice, just know this once.  再次的觉醒,仅一次已足够  Knowing you has made me able to go on.  认识你使我能够继续走下去。

2、  You and me, me and you  你和我,我和你,  There couldn’s be a better two,  不可能再有更好的两个,  to be blessed and know the meaning of true love.  如此幸运,明白了真爱的含义。

3、  And if you leave me I feel scared,  若你离我而去,我会感到惊慌害怕,  fall apart so unprepared.  分离如此措手不及,  But I dare to make it trough all on my own.  但是我敢于自己承担这一切。

4、  Yes I dare to make it trough on my own  是的,我敢于自己承担这一切。


